I rented an apartment in Italy for the summer. I have no plane ticket at the moment and no definitive plans. I just know I will have a roof over my head. I really do sound like Diane Lane in Under the Tuscan Sun except I have yet to go through a bad divorce or some sort of quarter life crisis. Perhaps that will ensue upon my arrival.
Deciding to travel is not really something I see as a decision. It is intimating though once you look at your bank account. I hope to have a flight in the coming weeks and perhaps then I will start planning. Basically, the bottom line, I weighed my options. I could have next to no money after August or stay home, writing from the comforts of my 30 year old mattress. The latter didn’t really seem to be an option for me. I truly am dedicated to bringing readers my travels. What happens when the travel writer stops moving? They start cataloging all of their old experiences. They flip through pictures, dig up old travel journal entries, and write about a trip from last year. That, or they find places to discover at home. At least that’s what I do. If I wasn’t blessed with a great memory, I’m not sure this platform would exist.
The only general plan I have is to travel, to live up to the second part of my profession. I can write from anywhere. Now I need to move. This whole experience, this decision I made, seems to meet others as well. There is the practical side to life. Stay home. Don’t go anywhere. Never eat out. Live with your parents. Have no social life. Save money. Then there is the impractical tugging at your shoulder. Go somewhere. You have your whole life to be boring. Worry about the money later. I tend to lean in this direction. Whether that’s a good or bad thing, I am almost on the ground I’m leaning so far this way.
I understand financial issues tend to get in the way of life experiences. I know not everyone can travel around for a summer. Bills add up, kids enter the picture, or jobs keep us tied to something at home. However, there is always that urge in the traveling soul to move, that craving to get out of nowhere town. Regardless, the negatives pile up and we end up staying in one place.
I will come out of this summer with little money. This isn’t a sob story. I was not a neglected child that grew up on the mean streets of Denver. I am extremely lucky. My family always inspired, if not facilitated, travel. Since I was 3 months old, I have been a traveler, which explains my need to go away this summer. I was also encouraged to pursue life experiences, and frankly that is the golden ticket Willie Wonka. Sure, I paid for a nice apartment in Italy, but I know it will be worth it. I know that the money I spend will not really be money anymore. It will be those stories I love about travel, those experiences that will change me in some way.
You really can’t put a price on travel. Everybody does though. From the airline industry to hotels, hostels, tour packages, train tickets, bus passes, backpacks, and walking shoes, everything is for sale. I guess what I am trying to say is that in my mind there really is no reason not to travel. It is not a decision whether I should go or not. I have to. I know there are those of you who will not be traveling anytime soon. This is the other reason I have to go. I want to gather those travel stories and bring them to readers who are not fortunate like myself to be able to just go. Everyone can travel mentally or physically and mental travel is seldom costly to that bank account.
If there is that small window allowing you to travel like the tiny portal I luckily found, squeeze through and go. It will be worth it in the end. At least, I think it will be. Otherwise I better start looking for someone to play me in a movie post adventure to make it seem worthwhile.
Christine says
I absolutely agree with you. I’m leaving a great job to move to Nice for six months. It’s probably not the most financially-savvy decision, but then I think–what’s the point of having a steady job, lots of money and a boring life? This quote that I found on @juliadimon’s blog really sums it up for me: “Why tell your grandkids you worked 9-5, five days a week for 40 years and quietly sat in traffic jams while people went to war, suffered disease and shot their own classmates? Tell them you refused to live in fear. Tell them you crossed the Amazon, saw the Lost Cities of Gold and met your soul mate in Casablanca. Travel to the ends of the earth. Go now and live adventures that will make your grandkids proud.”
SpunkyGirl says
Great post Suzy and very well put. I may have to delay my departure by a month, but knowing I’ll be traveling and doing what I love is the best feeling in the world. Travel is my comfort zone. You’ll have an amazing time in Italy. I can’t wait to read your posts once you’re there!
RobertKCole says
Nicely done. The travel industry has been excessively focused on the transactional aspect of travel – purchase of the enabling components, as opposed to selling the value derived from the experience.
Even those lacking a big bank account can find incredible places to travel locally and regionally. Opportunities abound to enrich ones life through culture, adventure, learning, or relaxation.
There is hope interesting little sites like nextstop.com allow users to create examples of interesting excursions that can provide unique experiences and significantly greater value for a traveler than stereotypical overpriced tourist traps.
Questions related to travel should never include the word “if,” only “where.”
Keith says
I feel the same way. Sadly, I need to wait until October but then I should be traveling for extended periods of time quite frequently.
Candice says
Inspirational words, m’lady. I should take those to heart.
Joya says
This is a great post. I can definitely relate on not being able to travel right now and drawing on past experiences. I know I can’t write about old trips and my hometown forever but I also have a job so it’s my goal to take a 3 week trip every year to keep travel in my life. I hope you have a great time in Italy and I can’t wait to read your stories.
Chris - The Aussie Nomad says
Suzy I need to channel you when I write, so so awesome.
The fact you have a place to stay in Italy is so cool. If my plans change in Europe I hope you have a comfy couch I can crash on for a night 🙂
Andi says
Omg, this was such a beautiful and inspiring post–I couldn’t agree more! I have always said to people, like you said, traveling is NOT a decision. It’s part of my soul, thus I have no choice but to travel period. You are going to have the MOST amazing time in Italy. Who cares about the $ when you have pasta and good looking Italian men, haha. What city will you be in?
wendy wenkstern says
Wonderful inspiration words and insights, Suzy!! Your dad(my doctor) told me to check out your website and I am so glad I did!!!
aru says
I love your blogs! And totally agree with this article. I am planning to go to New Zealand for 6 months in August. But I was hesitating just like you because I will also have no money when I get back. I do hope though that the experience would be worth all the money in the world. You have just propelled me to book the tickets. Thank you!
Erica says
You are so lucky that your family has fostered your desire to travel. Being second generation American, my mom still has not grasped why I want to leave the United States and see the world. I remember as a kid that she always told me, “Mija, only rich people travel.” Needless to say, dropping the bomb on our family (hubby and mine) that we’re quitting our jobs, not popping out spawn yet, and backpacking through South America was a bit of a shocker.
Have a blast in Italy. Be an inspiration! Your writing is very eloquent, too. 🙂
Odysseus says
Hahaha, I LOVE the lines: “Go somewhere. You have your whole life to be boring. Worry about the money later.” Why is it that being impractical always sounds like the most fun?
Backpack says
Backpacking to Europe soon! Starting in Munich staying with family there. Then who knows where the road will take me! Going alone!