As I pack my bags for a week in Chicago, I bring you this week’s Suzy Stumbles Over Travel. In case you are new to this site, each week I ask bloggers/writers and readers to submit their favorite travel posts of the week. This can be from your own site or another writer’s piece. I read each submission, comment, tweet the article on Twitter, stumble the piece using Stumbleupon and post a link to the article on my Facebook page. The following week I select my five favorites to be featured here and the stumbling begins again into the next week.
Just a few things to keep in mind, please only submit one post per person each week. Your submission must be travel related. Please leave a link to your post in the comment box below rather than sending it to me on Twitter, Facebook, etc. You have until the end of the day on Friday to leave your submission. Anything left past Friday will be carried over into next week’s submissions. I will get busy promoting the articles by the end of the day on Sunday. Be sure to follow me on Twitter, subscribe to my stumbles on Stumbleupon and “like” me on Facebook to make sure I give your post the attention it deserves. Check back here next Monday to see if your submission made my five favorites of the week.
The 5 Favorites of Last Week
“Is Fear Keeping You From Traveling?” From I Will Travel
Submitted by Will
Will breaks down notions of failure in the traveling sense. While many tell him he is going to fail by relocating from Canada to South America, he dissects just why those fears of failure should not keep you from traveling.
“Sunrise at Mount Masada: A Bright and Cheery Photo Essay” From A Passion and a Passport
Submitted by Jessica
Woken up at 3 in the morning, Jessica makes the trek up Mount Masada to see the sun rise over the Dead Sea. She shares her photos of the sunrise up atop Israel.
“My Solo-Travel Nightmare: Company” From Pegs On The Line
Submitted by Megan
When a best friend presented the idea of joining Megan’s travels, she panics. As a fan of solo travel, she struggles with having to answer to another person, specifically a good friend while traveling. Megan details just why she told her friend that she couldn’t make the trip and thus avoids her solo travel nightmare of company.
“Biking Around Ireland” From Travel Mindset
Submitted by Jade
Celeste composes this piece for Travel Mindset on biking through the west coast of Ireland. She describes this trip through Ireland’s western countryside as a way to not just see the scenery but to in essence become a part of it.
“Walking Northwest Seattle” From Gluten Free Travel
Submitted by Adina
Sometimes the best way to envision a place is not by touring its major sights, but merely taking a stroll through a neighborhood and soaking up all the details. Adina does just that as she takes us through her neighborhood in northwest Seattle.
Don’t forget to leave your submission in the comment box below. You have until the end of the day on Friday to leave your submission.
Submission from Mike C…
Bit late but here is my submission. Europe iPhoneography… hope you like it.
Submission from Christine…
hey Suzy,
We had an amazing 3 days in Lisbon and in my post this week I talk about the reasons why I love Lisbon!
Enjoy your travels!
Submission from Robin…
A mysterious tower in an enchanting forest. It could only be Franconia
Submission from Mike…
We have a post that was made for you!
The Fighting Couple
Thanks so much for including me in this weeks favorites!
Here is my entry for this week:
Beignets: A Sugary Treat in New Orelans – I got rediculously sticky and messy, but it was worth every bite!
Thanks for including our submission, Suzy! This was an experience in Ireland that I had never considered before and hoping to do next year when we visit! Excited to see other favorites on the list, too.
HI Suzie,
Here’s our post submission this week:
Thank you!
Here’s a submission from us 🙂
Hi Suzy,
I’m submitting a post on the incredible Irazu Volcano in Costa Rica. While the visibility was so poor that I couldn’t see anything, traveling up to a height of 11,000 feet was something else.
Thanks for considering it!
Here’s a submission shared on my site last week. I’m embarking on a one month cross country trip across the U.S. I’m trying to get any recommendations for places to visit while on my road trip.
This is my most recent photo story: “Anatomy of a Burmese Tea Shop – Myanmar”
(I kind of have a thing for the country…)
This week I submit:
In which we write about our differing opinions of various art galleries in Argentina’s capital.
Hey Suzy!
Ever wonder what’s up with those fabulous, sweet Vidalia Onions? So did we, so we went straight to the source!
Hi. A short piece on a traveling experience in China: “The Road to JiaXian.” Begs the question, is it better to have a tale or a smooth ride. 🙂
Wanted to share my post about World Lion Day – an international initiative that hopes to raise awareness about the plight of the lion. Would be great if we could help get the word out so that more people know about the potential extinction of the king of the jungle and what they can do to help!
Giving it another go – Love this!
Anyone heading to TBEX in Toronto this year? Just got back and here’s one restaurant you shouldn’t miss!
“Toronto Nose to Tail at The Black Hoof”
Hi Suzy,
My review of flying with Delta
Many thanks 🙂