From a warm Denver, I bring you this week’s Suzy Stumbles Over Travel. In case you are new to this site, each week I ask bloggers/writers and readers to submit their favorite travel posts of the week. This can be from your own site or another writer’s piece. I read each submission, comment, tweet the article on Twitter, stumble the piece using Stumbleupon and post a link to the article on my Facebook page. The following week I select my five favorites to be featured here and the stumbling begins again into the next week.
Just a few things to keep in mind, please only submit one post per person each week. Your submission must be travel related. Please leave a link to your post in the comment box below rather than sending it to me on Twitter, Facebook, etc. You have until the end of the day on Friday to leave your submission. Anything left past Friday will be carried over into next week’s submissions. I will get busy promoting the articles by the end of the day on Sunday. Be sure to follow me on Twitter, subscribe to my stumbles on Stumbleupon and “like” me on Facebook to make sure I give your post the attention it deserves. Check back here next Monday to see if your submission made my five favorites of the week.
The 5 Favorites of Last Week
“Avoiding Tourist-Targeted Crime in the ‘Safest’ Cities in the World” From His & Her Travels
Submitted by Marissa
His & Her Travel believe they are safe from petty crime while spending time in Seoul, South Korea. Only until the end of their stay do they experience a typical tourist pickpocket act. They remind us to never let our guards down even in the safest of cities, all while providing a few tips to keep in mind.
“A Pep Talk on Breaking Free” From Gigi Griffis
Submitted by Gigi
Gigi gives the wandering soul a pep talk in this very inspirational post. She mirrors her own experiences of how she broke free to pursue the life and work she is proud to celebrate.
“Inca Trail Day 2—Dead Woman’s Pass” From Holiday Nomad
Submitted by Freya
On day two of the Inca Trail, Freya battles through the aches, pains, smells and exhaustion of crossing Dead Woman’s Pass. She presents a landscape and views that you certainly wouldn’t mind battling through to see.
“Trinity” From My Walkabout
Submitted by Will
Will takes us to a place in the U.S. only open to the public a mere two days a year, the site of the first Atomic Bomb test explosion in New Mexico. He enters Ground Zero and provides a look at this rather chilling spot in the world.
“Photo Essay: Hiking the Lost World of Masca’s Ravine (Tenerife)” From 100 Miles Highway
Submitted by Katherina
Katherina takes us to the tiny and remote village of Masca on the Canary Island of Tenerife. She leads us to one of the most popular hiking trails on the island, through what seemingly looks like a lost world.
Don’t forget to leave your submission in the comment box below. You have until the end of the day on Friday to leave your submission.
Submission from Stephen…
Hi Suzy,
Here’s my submission on why a wholesale produce market is better than a tourist attraction:
Submission from Audrey…
Hi Suzy,
I hope you had a great trip to Chicago!
Here’s my submission for the week. It’s about finding the best fruit shake in Chiang Mai, Thailand 😉
Submission from Diane…
Hi Suzy, just wanted to submit my piece on expat/travel language flub stories. Perfect for when you need a laugh and great to know I’m not the only one who embarrasses herself!
Thank you!
Submission from Robin…
A bar crawl with a difference. The tabancos of Jerez de la Frontera
Hey Suzy!
We didn’t know what to expect in South Korea – and we were blown away.
We spent four days recently in the high-altitude desert and steppe of Bolivia’s southwest. Here are some highlights:
Hi Suzy
We’re back in Mumbai after a long trip to East/NE India. Here’s a post on the Top 10 attractions in Ireland, which is hosting The Gathering, a year-long back-to-roots event in 2013.
Hi Suzy, I kicked off #letsgocamping month on my blog with a post about my recent trip to Lopez Island, part of the San Juan Islands in northern Washington State. It’s probably my favorite place I’ve ever camped – right on the beach with a picture perfect view point of islands and ferries.
Hi Suzy! Here’s a post I did about why I dread the questions “How many countries have you visited?”
Hi Suzy,
Here is my submission for this week
Summer is the time to enjoy rosé wine. Salute Suzy!
Hi Suzy
Here is my submission – He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother – Namibian Wildlife shows the way
Submission from Jared…
Hi Suzy!
Loved your Chicago articles!
I’m submitting from my website an article about my unforgettable visit to Ayers Rock (Uluru) in the Australian Outback. I hope you like it!
Happy Travels!
Hey Suzy,
Here’s my submission about the Potosi mines in Bolivia and drinking grain alcohol underground…
My submission = Hope you’ve had a good week! Thanks!
Hi Suzy, Trust you’re well. Have I got a new submission for you? It’s about my recent trip to a Gran Canaria theme park. OK, here’s the link: Have a great weekend, Matthew
Hi Suzy,
Glad to hear you’re enjoy a little summer sun, I’m currently wrapped up warm to keep out the chilly New Zealand winter!
My submission this week is an article looking back over a series of moments that led me to where I find myself today. Hope you enjoy!
Hi Suzy! One of my favourites from this week was about my trip on an Arctic icebreaking ship…and about floating in amongst the blocks of ice afterwards!
Howdy from Taos! Where we are cool but dry. I just got back from Pueblo visiting the rents and it was hotter than hell there. And dry. Oooof. Drought times in the west are not good times.
My submission is about travel and archaeology in Panama. Thanks!
Thanks for including me! 🙂
Submission from Andrea…
Hi Suzy,
I recently returned from a two-week adventure in Costa Rica and here is a blog post about the first segment of my journey which began in San Jose and ended in Montezuma…
Submission from Richard…
Suzy thought you might be interested in my blog this week “Putting the Public back into Public Art” It is a different take on the public art in Millennium Park which you also did recently. If that doesn’t work for you maybe you would consider “Window Licking in Portland” I know I am only suppose to submit one, but given the potential overlap I thought it might be OK to give you an alternative.
Hi Suzy, thanks for including my submission 🙂