From a very summer-like Denver, I bring you this week’s Suzy Stumbles Over Travel. In case you are new to this site, each week I ask bloggers/writers and readers to submit their favorite travel posts of the week. This can be from your own site or another writer’s piece. I read each submission, comment, tweet the article on Twitter, stumble the piece using Stumbleupon and post a link to the article on my Facebook page. The following week I select my five favorites to be featured here and the stumbling begins again into the next week.
Just a few things to keep in mind, please only submit one post per person each week. Your submission must be travel related. Please leave a link to your post in the comment box below rather than sending it to me on Twitter, Facebook, etc. You have until the end of the day on Friday to leave your submission. Anything left past Friday will be carried over into next week’s submissions. I will get busy promoting the articles by the end of the day on Sunday. Be sure to follow me on Twitter, subscribe to my stumbles on Stumbleupon and “like” me on Facebook to make sure I give your post the attention it deserves. Check back here next Monday to see if your submission made my five favorites of the week.
The 5 Favorites of Last Week
“Just Another Day in Kotor, Montenegro: An Archaeological Dig, Friendly Felines and Mammoth Strawberries” From Tricia A. Mitchell
Submitted by Tricia
Tricia takes us to Kotor, Montenegro. From the journey there to the historic details, archeological remains and tasty food markets, she has the reader yearning to stroll this ancient city’s streets.
“The Sizzle in Algeciras” From Belinda Beckett
Submitted by Belinda
Some destinations don’t have the best of reputations. Belinda points out the many negatives used to describe Algeciras, Spain. Rather than seeing Algeciras by its negatives, she sets out on a travel challenge and finds a few reasons to love this Spanish “industrial port city”.
“The Story of the Russian Visa” From Colleen Brynn Travels
Submitted by Colleen
Colleen puts her passport in the hands of another to sort out her visa for Russia. When it is mailed back to her, she waits and waits and waits. As no passport arrives for weeks, she is forced to accept the inevitable and miss out on a trip. Colleen has us on the edge of our seats as to how this predicament turns out.
“12 Reasons To Take A Round The World Trip” From World Family Travel
Submitted by Alyson
Once winter is over, I can always use a bit of a kick in the pants in terms of travel. Alyson provides that kick with 12 reasons to take a round the world trip. From the changes of the self to the pushing of limits, the post gives us a number of reasons to pack our bags now.
“Eat, Sleep, Love; Cordoba” From Andalucia Diary
Submitted by Andrew
Lastly Andrew has us eating, sleeping and loving Cordoba. As he gets lost down its narrow alleyways, he discovers one of Andalucia’s more mysterious cities.
Don’t forget to leave your submission in the comment box below. You have until the end of the day on Friday to leave your submission.
Submission from Hilary…
Hi Suzy!
Submitting my blog about my recent shortlisting for Australia’s Best Jobs in the World Contest. Would love if you could showcase this week and help support my application! I’ve only got eight days to show Tourism Australia I’m the girl for the job!
Submission from Mariah…
Hi Suzy,
Here’s my most recent post about spending a day hiking in the Tennessee forest to prepare for hiking the Appalachian Trail!
Hey Suzy!
Don’t believe in mermaids? Well we have photographic PROOF they exist!
Hi Suzy,
This week here’s an actual travel story for you for a change. :))
Thanks as usual for the opp. :))
cheers, Lash
Hi Suzy,
Trust you’re well. Another one for you: Hope you like it.
All the best,
Hi Suzy,
I’m sharing a video I made while hitchhiking through Europe last summer. I hitchhiked 23,000 km without getting mugged, robbed, or tied up in the back of a van. Not even once. 🙂
Hi Suzy,
It’s been a while but recently I have been lucky enough to spend several weekends away and here is my latest tale from a trip to Cape Agulhas.
My submission this week is:
In which I recap our first 100 days of our indefinite adventure.
Hey Suzy,
The sun finally came out here in Berlin so a few of us went to the disused Tempelhof Airfield for some Sunday shenanigans.
Here’s a quick post and video I put together about it:
Hi Suzy, I know my post from last week was about the northern lights, but they’re too much fun to write about so I have another one this week…this time about dozing off under the northern lights in a glass igloo!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Suzy,
My submission this week is for a journey which this travel blogger has never taken before.
Many thanks.
Hey Suzy,
This week we’re submitting one of our favourite travel moments to date. Diving with sharks out at Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea. Quite a nail biting experience!
We hope you enjoy it!
Hi Suzy!
Just back from paradise and thought I would share my Maldives story!
Submission from Britany…
Hi Suzy,
My latest offers advice to anyone thinking about trying Ayahuasca in Iquitos, Peru, where many backpackers travel for spiritual and emotional cleansing through this shamanic practice. It was quite an experience, but not one I’d recommend entering lightly!
Submission from Dawn and Richard…
My Submission ” Visiting Fort Lauderdale – The Venice of America ”