A little delayed in my stumbles due to traveling back in a snowstorm, I bring you this week’s Suzy Stumbles Over Travel. In case you are new to this site, each week I ask bloggers/writers and readers to submit their favorite travel posts of the week. This can be from your own site or another writer’s piece. I read each submission, comment, tweet the article on Twitter, stumble the piece using Stumbleupon and post a link to the article on my Facebook page. The following week I select my five favorites to be featured here and the stumbling begins again into the next week.
Just a few things to keep in mind, please only submit one post per person each week. Your submission must be travel related. Please leave a link to your post in the comment box below rather than sending it to me on Twitter, Facebook, etc. You have until the end of the day on Friday to leave your submission. Anything left past Friday will be carried over into next week’s submissions. I will get busy promoting the articles by the end of the day on Sunday. Be sure to follow me on Twitter, subscribe to my stumbles on Stumbleupon and “like” me on Facebook to make sure I give your post the attention it deserves. Check back here next Monday to see if your submission made my five favorites of the week.
The 5 Favorites of Last Week
“Congratulations, British Immigration. You’ve Obviously Just Caught a Dangerous Criminal.” From Gigi Griffis
Submitted by Gigi
Gigi details her experience of being held by British Immigration and ultimately denied entry on her first try. After following all of the rules of country stays and visas, her story makes a comment on just how power tripping and random immigration officers can be.
“Boribunder to Thana: 1853 Revisited” From Red Scarab
Submitted by Priya/Anurag
The duo at Red Scarab makes a historic journey. They decide to retrace the historic 1853 train route from Bombay to Thane, the first passenger train service in India. They do this all while mirroring that first journey, 160 years ago.
“5 Reasons Why I Dislike This Type of Hotel Shower” From Flights and Frustration
Submitted by The Guy
We all discover the quirks of hotel rooms and hostels when we travel extensively. Chances are you have come across the hotel shower that the Guy takes issue with in this post.
“How Moving Abroad Will Boost Your Career” From 100 Miles Highway
Submitted by Katherina
Katherina takes a different position from the travel bloggers who make a living out of their travels. Rather she travels and maintains a job abroad. She lists out the many ways working abroad can help boost an individual’s career life.
“Exploring the Istanbul Archaeology Museums” From Museum Chick
Submitted by Danee
Lastly this week, Danee takes us inside and outside the Istanbul Archaeology Museums. She chronicles some of the main highlights, noticing the details of the buildings themselves and the remarkable artifacts within them.
Don’t forget to leave your submission in the comment box below. You have until the end of the day on Friday to leave your submission.
Submission from Trish…
Here’s an account of our latest adventures in Kotor, Montenegro. In short – mammoth strawberries, an archaeological dig, and friendly locals and felines. It’s a special city with so many layers:
Thank you,
Submission from Micamyx| Senyorita…
Hi Suzy!
I would like to send my latest post about a special trip:
My reason why i want to visit a former leper colony
Submission from Alyson…
Hi Suzy, another one from me, thanks for all the Stumbles!
Submission from…Marysia
What a great idea. I have just found your blog. Looks great 🙂
Here is a submission from me http://www.mytravelaffairs.com/2013/02/15/hemsedal-skiing-in-norway/
Thanks and have a great week.
Submission from Belinda…
Hi Suzy
What a great idea! I’d like to show your readers what the guide books don’t tell you about Algeciras, Spain’s Cinderella city. I love it because I live there.
Muchas gracias!
Submission from Robin….
Hi Suzy – this is a cool idea! Here’s a story I wrote about Sanlucar de Barrameda, one of three towns that make up the Sherry triangle in Andalucia, Spain.
Submission from Colleen…
Here is my submission for this week… a story of travel at a young age and without saying so, how it makes us stronger…
Submission from Andrew…
Good morning and ‘Happy Monday’ Suzy,
I’m bring you the heat of Andalusian sun; and the warmth of the people of Southern Spain, with this post from Cordoba, Andalucia, España!
Hope you enjoy it – it’s great reading the other submissions. Happy Travels.
Thanks for the include!
Thanks for including my article, Suzy!
Hi Suzy! Here’s our latest post with some tips on how to make traveling in New Zealand cheaper: http://wildbuttercupblog.com/2013/04/23/how-to-travel-for-cheaper-in-new-zealand/
Hi Suzy,
Here’s a post about my experiences riding the (in)famous bamboo train in Battambang, Cambodia:
Mine for this week, in which I make the unflattering confession that I may be addicted to napping.
Hi Suazy,
REcently I stayed in a charming thatched bungalow on a small Thai island.. and I realized both how long it had been since I’d stayed in one and how wonderful they are. here’s my tale:
THanks as usual, cheers, Lash
Hey Suzy! Here’s us for this week – don’t read while hungry!
Ruining Ourselves in Osaka, Japan!
Submission from Kenin…
Here’s our latest submission. A post in celebration of National Parks Week. Photo Essay of our visit to Glacier National Park – http://www.theconstantrambler.com/glacier-national-park-trip-planner-photo-essay/
Hi Suzy,
Trust you’re well. Have I got a new one for you. OK, here goes:
I’m gonna try this!
Learning to Cook in Wine Country, BC, Canada
Another great group of posts to read! I can’t believe that immigration agent that Gigi ran into. It’s terrible how one person can ruin someone’s plans for no good reason at all.
Anyway, my favourite post of mine from this week is about how I went searching for the northern lights…and found naked men instead (although I did see the lights in the end too).
I’m not sure the rules but here’s my newest blog post.
A Legendary Wine Tour: Mission Hill Part 2
Fingers are crossed.
I hope I’m not too late! Here’s some diving from Africa.
P.S. I really like this segment, it’s a good way to catch up on some good travel posts. Great idea! 🙂
Morning Suzy,
Thanks for the reminder via Twitter!
I’d like to submit a piece I wrote after a visit to a sacred M?ori meeting house. The Ng?ti Awa Iwi built it in the 1800’s and it was taken from them by the newly formed New Zealand government. It’s a pretty fascinating tale and one that highlights just how important heritage is to the M?ori people.
Hi Suzy,
I would really love to submit this piece on house sitting. It is a collaboration post with 5 other house sitting experts answering the questions sent to Suitcase Stories by our readers.
Thanks Suzy!
Mine is “a bit” long and to be fair it’s one I update every month. But it’s about my city – Boston – and we are all feeling very proud of Boston and wanting other people to come to this wonderful city. Boston will never be defined by the bombings at the marathon but it will be long-admired for how the tragedy was dealt with by the citizens. law enforcement, victims, first responders (professional and civilian) and even (amazing to say this) our politicians!
Hi Suzy,
I’m so honored that you picked my post for your top 5! Much appreciated and I’m glad you liked it! XX