In the film Come September, Rock Hudson plays a wealthy businessman, who every year, heads off to his villa in Italy for September. He decides he can’t wait until September and arrives early, only to find that his assistant taking care of the Italian villa has turned it into a 5 star hotel when he isn’t in the country. You can imagine the hilarity. It is a Rock Hudson movie after all.
I have always loved this movie, mostly for its setting in Italy. What I didn’t realize is that old Rock was right. September is the perfect time to travel. For me, September is almost more of a January, a beginning of the year. Perhaps it is due to the school speed limit signs I am now starting to notice again, lighting up after three months of darkness. Most of my life so far has been spent in school, where August signaled the end of summer and September was the beginning. Luckily, I am no longer in school, but September still has the sentiment of beginning a new year. The weather starts to change. Routines are altered. Goals are set.
Like Rock Hudson’s character Robert Talbot, I can’t wait until September. After a relatively quiet summer, I am ready to head to my villa, my paradise somewhere on the road. At this point, I wouldn’t even mind if I had an assistant who turned my apartment into a hotel when I am away.
This quiet summer has stirred up a jealousy in me, one that comes while reading about some other traveler’s travels. Tickets were being purchased. Itineraries were planned down to the last minute. When you aren’t traveling, it can seem like everyone else is. But we only present the face we want people to see, the one we are proud of, not the areas we are struggling. I had enough of imitation, placing myself in someone’s shoes. You can only feel sorry for yourself so long before you realize, you don’t need a lot of money to have valuable travel experiences. If you want something, you have to accomplish it. Your jealousy or admiration cannot.
While I wouldn’t mind owning a villa in Italy I can frequent every September like Hudson’s character, I am anticipating September, the beginning of something I hope to be truly great. For me this is my January, the start of an adventure. I will be flying to the glamorous destination of….Tulsa, Oklahoma. A cheap flight from Denver to Tulsa has allowed me to meet up with a friend in Arkansas and head out to explore North and South Carolina.
I have been to both states before, but at a very young age. I remember bits and pieces here and there, but not with the clarity I would like. We will drive out for at least two weeks to explore this part of the United States, most likely departing on September 9th. The trip will go through Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and possibly a little bit of Georgia. I will then return back to Denver and hopefully make a trip up to New York City for a few days. I am still in the planning stages, but I hope to have a detailed itinerary up once I do sort everything out. And like that, September will be filled with travel, a trend I hope to carry into October.
There they are, the “big” travel plans for September. I don’t know exactly where I am going and what I will be doing at this point, but I do know I can’t wait for September to come.
Do you have travel plans for September? Can you recommend any places I must see on my Southern US road trip?
I totally hear you!!!! it’s been such a quiet summer for the most part, though I did make it to Vancouver in June for TBEX, but usually I gallivant a lot more than this in the summertime. I’ve been putting up a happy face (even that hasn’t been done well) while practically dying on the inside for having to stay put. However, my September (the end of it anyway) has me off to California for a friend’s wedding which will then be extended into a trip from Los Angeles up the Pacific Coast Highway (stopping at Santa Barbara, Carmel by the Sea, Monterey, Big Sur, Hearst Castle) to San Francisco and then across the state into Yosemite. It’s a much shorter trip than yours (1 week) and therefore crammed with a lot to see, but it’s ok. For now, that’s how I prefer it. =o)
Enjoy your road trip Suzy!
Haha, love it! The glamorous Tulsa, Oklahoma. You had me all ready for a big announcement, what with the pics of the villa and everything 😉 But it doesn’t matter where you go as long as you find a way to make it your adventure right?! And you are always welcome to visit West Virginia, Although I am a bit north of the south you are headed to. Have fuN!
God I used to love that movie, (wasn’t it Sandra Dee too?) but I don’t understand how you know it so well at your age!!!!!
Totally agree about Autumn – it’s always been the beginning of things for me too, & it’s an awful long time since I was in school. To quote another movie, “You Got Mail”…….the bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils feeling! It’s the only time I miss northern climes & I try to get somewhere further north in Fall when I can.
Of course the Carolinas or Tennessee seem much more exotic to me than to you, and I only know NC, but I adore it. My son lived there for a couple of years & never did get to see enough of it! Esp love The Outer Banks!
Well, we’re planning a road trip to West Texas (Abilene, Buffalo Gap, Mineral Wells). Definitely not as glamorous as an Italian villa!
“I had enough of imitation, placing myself in someone’s shoes. You can only feel sorry for yourself so long before you realize, you don’t need a lot of money to have valuable travel experiences. If you want something, you have to accomplish it. Your jealousy or admiration cannot.” AMEN TO THAT!
Yes to this post! I’m glad that you made a plan to travel and followed it through. No destination is too “big” or too “small”. I have never really been to that area of the States so I’m looking forward to your travel updates and stories once you get there!
Sounds exciting, Suzy! September should be a great time to be traveling in that part of the country.
That’s so great you are seeing that part of the US! I haven’t seen the south or south east states that much at all. You don’t have to travel far to travel. Hope you have a great time!
Wow, lucky you! I so agree when you say, “When you aren’t traveling, it can seem like everyone else is.” I’m sort of in the same boat right now, despite having moved countries only last week. I need to give myself some time to settle in before I can hit the road again. Happy for you and for your September! Hope it brings travels for us all 🙂
I lived in Aiken, SC for 5 years. If you like horses, it’s worth a trip. If not, it makes a good stop on the way to Charleston. Word of warning, gas stations are few and far between on state roads in SC so fill up when you have the opportunity. Beware of the super non-PC, KKK loving BBQ place in Columbia, SC. They missed the memo that it’s 2011. If you’re in Asheville, NC, check out the Biltmore.
September is kind of a rebirth time of year for me. This year I actually do have a big adventure planned for September. Nepal. Yeah baby!! I can hardly wait.
Glad to see you’ll be in my home state of Tennessee. Let me know if you have questions about what to do in Nashville or Chattanooga. Also, you must stop in Memphis and have some BBQ. I can give you the low down on where to get the best Q.
I agree that anywhere can be an event. It depends on how you choose to look at things. Isn’t it true that, when we’ve lived somewhere most of our lives, we rarely see the sites that others plan, save, and travel to see? Opening our eyes to beauty and uniqueness around us, no matter where we are, opens us up to exciting possibilities. I live in Florida and, though I’m not an amusement park-type attraction person, I’ve yet to see the everglades or visit the keys. I’ve seen Miami only on a drive to their airport. There is so much around to experience, we just need to change our view.
I grew up in the South but have never been to the Carolinas – you’ll have so much fun! Are you going to any other states? I adore New Orleans and Georgia is nice too…
Sounds like a lot of people are travelling around their ‘home country’ this summer. I’m no exception 🙂 My travel plans will begin in September and I’ll be visiting Canada’s East Coast! Who says you can’t be a tourist in your homeland?!
This is a beautiful part of the country. I hope the weather is fair for you. It can still be hot and humid down there during this time of the year, but it can also be beautiful. Have a great trip.
Enjoy South Carolina – it’s my home state! 🙂 I will be heading back there for the first time in 2 years in November.
I lived in Oklahoma for a few years. Tulsa’s not bad 🙂
Great! I’ve been hoping to add to my collection of movies/TV series that are worth watching for exotic scenery. I had exactly your same motivation — ie, warding off pangs of jealousy when everyone but me appeared to be traveling. But the post that I wrote for The Displaced Nation on this topic focused on stuff that appeared this summer — Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris, the BBC series about the Roman detective named Zen (broadcast on PBS), and the 4th season of Jersey Shore, which takes place in Florence (yes, I was that desperate!). But clearly, I should have been looking at the classics as well. Thanks, Suzy, for getting me started in a new & exciting direction! 🙂
Headed to South Bend, IN and then off to Texas to re-group before my busy travel in October -almost every weekened a new place!
Enjoy Suzy and if your plans bring you to Texas make sure you get in touch!