At this point, most of you know the drill. Each week I ask you to leave a comment in the “Suzy Stumbles Over Travel” posts with a link to your favorite travel post, video, or website of the week. This can be a post of your own or from someone else. All I ask is that it be travel related. I read, comment, stumble, and tweet every submission. On Monday, I pick my five favorites from last week and ask you to start the stumbling cycle all over again.
Well, it’s Monday. Take a break from your day with some of these travel reads. Once you are done, leave a comment here with your submission for this week.
Just some things to keep in mind…
- Submit only ONE link per person each week. If you submit two and three posts off of your own blog, I’ll only look at the first one. The others will be deleted. I apologize for this, but it would be chaos to allow people to submit every post of theirs in one week.
- Leave your submission here rather than sending it to me on Twitter
- Be sure to follow me on Twitter to see your posts tweeted and subscribe to my stumbles to make sure I do my job.
- The deadline to submit your link here is by the end of the day on Saturday (Mountain Time U.S.).
The 5 Favorites of Last Week
“Desperate Housewives on Wisteria Land—Eat your heart out!” From Bell’ Avventura
Submitted by Scintilla
Bell’Avventura takes us on a walk through spring on the Amalfi Coast of Italy with perfumed Wisteria leaping off of the web page. While this is largely a photo post through Positano’s blooming beauties, the piece sets up with breakfast and the draw of spring’s scent outside. It is almost as though you are beginning the day on the Amalfi Coast too. I appreciated the mental and visual vacation of bringing me back to those impressive cliff towns in southern Italy.
“5 Things I Wish I Had Known Sooner in Planning my RTW” From Freedonia Post
Submitted by Joel
Joel always makes me spit out my coffee when I read his posts, and that is not a bad thing. Even if he is writing a completely useful piece, he manages to throw in a little wit and humor. Not only does this post bring subtle laughable moments, but also it is a great resource if you are just starting to plan a big round the world trip. From gripes about the Schengen Agreement (something I never understood completely until this post) to unnecessary fees, these are all things Joel went through so you don’t have to when you plan your trip.
“Should you give money to beggars when you travel?” From Todd’s Wanderings
Submitted by Todd
There is that sticky question when you travel, “do you give money to beggars?”. Todd deals with this question head on, answering it honestly and openly. He presents ways of giving back to people rather than just paying for their next beer. Whether you agree or disagree, it is a subject matter not always discussed when it comes to travel. I also enjoyed reading all of the comments on this post with other voices telling how they give back to those poverty riddled places or people they encounter.
“Exploring Quidi Vidi Village” From WestJet Up!
Submitted by Candice
One of my favorite aspects to doing this stumbling segment are the new places I discover through everyone’s links. Candice shares a small corner of her world in Newfoundland, Quidi Vidi Village. The pictures are stunning, reminding me of somewhere in Ireland. The post details what to see, where to go for a local brew, and how to reach this village. In other words, it made me want to hop on a boat, plane, or chitty chitty bang bang up to visit Candice. Do you have a couch I can sleep on?
“Transatlantic cruises for backpackers: A way to see more and pay less” From Vagabond Quest
Submitted by Dina
Another reason I love this segment is hearing how others have learned to travel in different ways and at a lower price. Ryan takes us through the whole transatlantic cruise option for travel. Now, cruise ships are not really my thing, but as I read this, I wondered if perhaps they could be. If you work the days just right, it could end up being a significantly cheaper way of traveling over the pond. I liked how this post informed the reader but also took you through the whole experience with the author. If you moan that you can’t afford traveling, read this post. It just makes you want to hop on board, or at least consider it.
Don’t forget to leave a comment below with your submission for this week.
Suzy, I’ve been a fan of your Stumble program because your chosen articles are indeed the interesting ones, and now I feel so happy that you picked the Transatlantic post from our blog to be featured this week. Thanks so much!!
Good pick at the “giving money to beggar vs. not” by Todd, I really enjoyed that post too. And for sure I will check the other three 🙂
Some more great picks, Suzy – this segment just keeps getting better and better 🙂
Yay, thanks for the kind comments on my article! And you can totally crash on my futon anytime! Hehe.
Thank you! Love all your stumbles 🙂
Great choices all around, Suzy. I love your weekly stumbles (and not only when you’ve shown such poor taste as to select mine 🙂 )
Every time I think I’ve discovered all the travel blogs there are, you manage to show me more great ones!
Hi there, I’m an expat Kiwi now living in the UK and I’ve put two blog posts up on my blog about things to see in NZ that you won’t read about in tourist brochures. They’re listed here on this page –
Thanks Suzy! I’m honored that you picked my article and that you took the time to write such a long comment. Loved all the other picks this week as well.Cheers
This is a great idea for getting the word out on some good topics while sending people traffic. Keep it up!
I’d like to submit one of my recent posts about my top 5 experiences i’m looking forward to on my RTW for your posts! Even if you don’t stumble, let me know what you think!
Love your site Suzy! It is a great source of practical information. I’m beginning my RTW trip soon and plan on maintaining my blog as I travel. I need to get some posts written this week. There’s so much more I have to do, but I will find time. Would love to be featured on your site in the future.
Joel’s post was super helpful – good choice! Here’s a new one:
Hi Suzy
Before I go and read Joel’s post (as we are planning a RTW trip that one’s jumped out at me!) here’s a recent post I wrote about childhood summers in the South of France:
Hi Suzy
Me again, with my fav post of the week, mostly cos it’s of photos – i took these at a very small coastal village i visited this past weekend for a yoga retreat…
hope you like them 🙂
Hey Suzy – what a wonderful list you posted this week 🙂 hope you had a great weekend – here is a post I posted today:
Hey Suzy, here is my submission for the week. So much fun to look forward to your round up each week.
Sri Lanka’s 800 year old Buddha cliff statues:
Great choices! The post by Ryan from Vagabond Quest made me rethink my views on cruises too.
I wanted to submit a weekly series called Travel Memories Monday from my own blog, No Onions Extra Pickles. This past Monday I wrote about visiting the Sistine Chapel, but previous post have covered shopping in San Jose, Costa Rica, eating jamon in Granada, Spain and hiking Huangshan in China… Thanks!
Hey Suzy, just idly browing through your site again instead of writing my next post. Procrastination is my friend.
Thought I’d submit another post for your discerning eye:
50 Handy Hints for the First Time Traveller, at
Hope it’s useful for a few people out there!
Thanks Ashley 🙂 and you make me miss that jamon again!
Here is mine for this week. One day I am going to make it! 🙂
How to avoid getting bumped when your airline overbooks
Ooh, just discovered (and stumbled) this. What a fun idea! Love Candice’s article on Quidi Vidi!
Here’s a post I’d very much appreciate a look at: – all about the weird and wonderful shopping malls of Dubai.
Great choices, thanks – especially liked Todd’s piece, it addressed a very difficult issue for many travellers.
And in my very first attempt, here’s a piece I wrote on how to balance travel with distance education
I hope you enjoy it.
I just found out about this little gem via twitter. It looks like half the LP bloggers are here already. This is a great idea. Here’s my first submission:
Trekking to Into the Wild’s Magic Bus (Alaska)
Thanks for your good work. My submission for the week is , which is my info packed blog post on Milford and Doubtful Sounds in New Zealand
Hi Suzy, here’s a new article from my blog that I want to submit for the next selection. It tells an itchy and scratchy story behind one of the most gorgeous sunset I’ve seen (in Lake Taupo, New Zealand). Then it relates to travelers’ itchy and scratchy problems. I hope you enjoy it 🙂
Itchy and Scratchy: Bed Bugs, Sand Flies, and Other Travel Hazards
I’d like to submit my post “Jaw-Dropping Sunrises From Around The World”
Thanks for giving us that fantastic opportunity! I love discovering new travel bloggers. 🙂
Hi Suzy,
Here’s my weekly submission
Your segment is getting to be a habit – a good habit.
I’m going to try again. Love love LOVE this idea, you keep up the wonderful work.
Awesome choices!
This is my submission (my very first one here), I hope you’ll like it:
People always ask me about Japanese festivals, and it seems that the goofier the event, the better. So here is one just like that. 🙂
Hi Suzy,
Thanks for selecting my essay about the Pacific coast. Here’s another submission. This time on driving through the Smoky Mountains:
This is one of my favourite features on all the Travel sites I follow (wish I’d thought of this first :). Love this site Suzy!