Finally a breeze is blowing through Florence to quiet the intense heat. At any rate, I was able to get through all of the stumbles this week without air conditioning. In case you are new here, each week I ask readers and writers to submit their favorite travel posts of the week in the comment box below. I read, comment, stumble (using Stumbleupon), and tweet every submission. The following Monday, I select my five favorites submitted last week to profile here and start the stumbling all over again.
If you would like to submit for this week, leave a link in the comment box below to your post. Please only submit one link per person each week. This can be from your own site or another travel post you really enjoyed. You have until the end of the day on Saturday (US Mountain Time) to submit. I have had a few people submit on Sunday that I have let squeak by, but it gets too hard for me to be writing my favorites for Monday when I am still getting submissions at 6PM on Sunday. If you could respect my deadline, I would greatly appreciate it. Be sure to subscribe to my stumbles on Stumbleupon and follow me on Twitter to make sure I get to your post.
Without further delay, here are the five favorite submissions of last week.
The 5 Favorites of Last Week
“Forget The Tall Poppy Syndrome: Let Your Light Shine” From yTravelBlog
Submitted by Caz
Caz breaks down the tall poppy syndrome and its origins in Australia. I was fascinated by the story Caz told of how that human emotion was coined into a term, the emotion of feeling jealousy and revenge toward another’s successes. Not only was this an interesting insight into an Australia cultural tendency, but also the post had me realizing the tall poppy syndrome is all around, no matter where you go. When traveling and encountering new customs and cultures, syndromes like the tall poppy remind me we are really not so different after all.
“Rwanda By Bus =Possibly Not My Best Idea” By Nerdy Nomad
Submitted by Kirsty
Kirsty decides to take the slow road through Africa, on her way to Rwanda. Her selection of a cheaper bus route to her destination is one she seems to regret, yet makes for an incredibly entertaining story. Hours on end hitting speed bumps at full speed along a dirt road, I found myself picturing the scene so vividly. We have all had those hellish rides in far off places, those that you can’t wait to get off the train, plane or bus and reach your destination. Kirsty’s might take the cake.
“On Traveling And On Staying Put” From Ephermera and Detritus
Submitted by Mary Anne
Mary Anne takes on the problem of long term traveling, staying in one place for a few days or weeks and then heading out to somewhere new. Long-term travel can be exhausting, moving from place to place every few days. Mary Anne explains her want to stay longer in a place, popping in on locals and asking what they are having for dinner. Everyone deals with travel differently. Some can handle just the stop over trips, while others like Mary Anne find going at a slower pace helps her deal with places and herself on a better level.
“Nostalgia and Road Trips” From Over Yonderlust
Submitted by Erica
Erica discusses how road trips as a kid made her a better traveler today. I couldn’t help but see so many similarities between how much road trips shaped how I travel today. This is a great reminder for travelers to always look back at where their traveling began. Perhaps it wasn’t on road trips across Texas like it was for Erica, but the origin of your travels seems to tell the most about how you travel today.
“48 Hours on Kangaroo Island: Pardana Wildlife Park” From Vagabond 3
Submitted by Jade
Lastly, I leave you with cute and cuddly kangaroos. The trio at Vagabond 3 shares a video of their time at Parndana Wildlife Park on Kangaroo Island. I was surprised at how gentle the kangaroos seemed. If you need a bit of a pick me up this week and don’t hate animals, Vagabond3’s video will make you want to experience feeding and hanging out with kangaroos for a day.
Don’t forget to leave a comment here with your submission for this week.
great list! really enjoyed kirtsy’s story through Rawanda by bus!
Hi, Suzy. Been missing out on reading bec so busy with bunch of stuff. Have also not written anything new for a month. But finally something from being a tourist in my own city with the recent worldwide photo walk. 🙂
Thanks so much for including me this week Suzy! Very excited. A great list of posts here.
Cant wait to check these out!!!
Thanks for including me this week! That was very kind of you- much appreciated. The others are fascinating to read as well (I’m making time today to chill out from the trip and read them at leisure- it’s day 18 out of 26 in Myanmar and I am burnt out!!!)
Hey Suzy,
This is really cool. You got some good stumbles here. I loved your selection.
Great list. There were a couple of these I hadn’t read yet!
Thanks again for the Stumbling segment! Here’s my submission for this week:
No Respect for the Gay and Lesbian Traveler
Submission from Lynn at AtlanticCrising
Wonder if you might be interested in this – about a real life Indiana Jones – a Venezuelan explorer who recently discovered one of the world’s biggest caves
Hi Suzy,
Some great picks again. Here is my submission for this week. It’s about a weird new type of weather insurance. I still can’t decide if I like the idea or not, but see what you think!
Hi Suzy,
Florence sound amazing… enjoy!
The following is my submission for this week, discussing whether cruise ships could use wind powered kites to reduce their oil consumption and become a bit more green:
Thank you so much for your efforts to help promote travel bloggers!
Another great stumbled list Suzy! Man I want out of my chair and off to somewhere again. I hate my thesis 🙁
I managed to take some time off and here’s my submission for this week, A night with the whirling dervishes. Hope you like it 🙂
Hi Suzy,
It’s great that you are still doing this series as I suppose it’s a lot of work for you. I love seeing which posts you chose every week and why.
I’m still in Brazil– here is a post I wrote about a weekend that wasn’t really my favorite 🙂
Hi Suzy,
What a great roundup this week. Cool to see the tall poppy syndrome making an appearance as it’s one of the things that drives me crazy about Aus, too.
Mine for the week – Notes on Western Femaleness in Peru
Hi Suzy,
Another diverse list of posts. I’d like to submit a post I have just written regarding the modern traveller, and mobile comunications in third world countries. It ask’s the question ‘does the constant link to home have any inmpact of the travellers mind state?’, as you can’t completly let go of home.
Hey Suzy!,
Here’s my submission for this weeks Suzy Stumbles:
How to Visit the Greek Islands on the Cheap! |
Hi Suzy, thanks as always for this awesome series! Nice random 3 articles every week 🙂
Here’s my submission for this week:
Top 8 Animal Street Signs from Australia and New Zealand
It’s about the animal street signs we encounter in Australia and New Zealand, and our journey to spot these animals in the wild.
Thanks a lot 😀
Hi Suzy –
He is my submission for this week… Hope you enjoy it. It’s about 5 Mysterious Places to Visit.
Norbert 🙂
Here’s my submission: “Growing Up, Growing Scared” over at Ottsworld.
Sherry gives a talk about her travels to a group of 6th graders and the reactions she receives reminds her of the need to embrace a youthful attitude in life.
I was recently in Jamaica and discovered this awesome partnership between an adventure company and the local animal shelter. Thought you might be interested in sharing this with your readers: