I am delayed again this Monday in bringing you my five favorite stumbles of last week. I have a good reason though. As I explore Portugal, I was able to squeeze in some great travel reading. Take a look at my five favorite travel posts submitted last week.
In case you are new here, each week I ask readers and writers to submit their favorite travel posts of the week. I read, comment, stumble (using Stumbleupon) and tweet (using Twitter) every submission. The follow Monday, I feature my five favorite submissions of last week. If you would like to submit for this week, leave a comment here with a link to your post. You have until the end of the day on Saturday (US Mountain Time) to submit your post. I can’t take submissions on Sunday. Be sure to follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my stumbles on Stumbleupon to make sure I get to your post.
The 5 Favorites of Last Week
“Thoughts From Riad” From The Adventures of D
Submitted by DTravelsRound
Imagine a place that annoys you yet satisfies at the same time. Reading this account of Marrakech, I couldn’t help but feel the same emotions as the writer. The sensory overload of exploring the streets is present for the reader, the basis of the greatest travel writing. If you feel like spending some time in Marrakech’s medina today, I highly recommend reading this conflicted, yet not, account.
“Featured Travel Photographer: Bethany Salvon” From Over Yonderlust
Submitted by Erica
Over Yonderlust interviews Bethany Salvon of Beers and Beans. With so many travel interviews out there from travel writers, bloggers and photographers, it can be difficult to find one that really inspires you. Beth has some powerful and inspiring words about travel photography, how she started capturing travel through a lens, and of course the post features some of her work.
“Making Friends on the Road” From GloboTreks
Submitted by Norbert
Norbert reminds readers of the importance of making friends as you travel. It sounds simple enough, but if you are like me, you may not trust people easily, especially while you travel. Remain cautious, but open up to relationships with people all around the world. Norbert stresses the need to make these connections and we all could use a reminder every now and then.
“Visiting Paris? Follow These Rules” From Lost In Cheeseland
Submitted by Lindsay
Lindsay takes a humorous look at observing tourists in Paris. She applied her observations into rules visitors can follow in keeping with Parisian ways of life. These tips are great for first time travelers not just to Paris, but also to other European cities. While locals complain about tourists in heavily inundated areas, it doesn’t hurt to practice what they preach and may be those stereotypes of foreigners will reverse.
“The Crossroads of Travel and Materialism” From The Traveling Savage
Submitted by Keith
Keith explores, or rather confronts, travel and materialism. You sell all of your prized possessions to travel, yet find yourself colleting intangibles in the process to remember the experience. Keith’s post is thought provoking to say the least. Get ready to be lost in a cycle of traveling to rid yourself of materialism while at the same time engulfing yourself in acquiring or collecting.
Don’t forget to submit your travel posts to this week’s stumbling in the comment box below.
Thanks for including my post Suzy! I’m so glad you liked it 🙂
Thanks for including my post, Suzy! It was a headache to write and a headache to read, but worth it for the insight. Glad you liked it too.
Hey Suzy,
Great posts. Love the general interest pieces as well as the location specific posts. Here is a recent post we did, asking whether people are adventure travelers?
Hi there Suzy,
Great selection you’ve got here as always. Just wondering if one of my latest posts, ‘Parents: the bane of the adventurous?’ would make it to your list this week: http://www.thetravellingeditor.com/wp/parents-bane-of-the-adventurous/
Very nice selection as usual. I’ll try to live up to it but even if I don’t here something to consider. Maybe its just me…
hi suzy,
i recently found myself in a small hungarian folklore festival! it’s the most spontaneous trips that become the most memorable when travelling abroad.
Can’t wait to read! Have fun in Portugal. I’m dying to visit!!!
Great stumbles! I’m anxious to read about Portugal. I still have 3 weeks before I leave for my trip :(. haha
I’d love a stumble on this- 4 Ways to Beat the Couch| Working from Home http://ht.ly/2o3dH
Cheers!! xxx
Hi Suzy, great selection 🙂
Here’s my submission for the next round:
It’s about visiting the gorgeous Santorini.
Hi Suzy,
I’m a new follower of your blog. Very enjoyable reading!
I’d like to submit a recent post on a topic I’m very curious about- travel style and whether it changes over time? changed?
I’ve been traveling for over 10 years, so I’m just really curious about other wanderers out there and would love feedback. Here’s the link:
For next week, I’m submitting my photo essay of a day in Vatican City:
Thanks for considering me!
Hey Suzy! Nice round up. Sticking with travel inspiration I suggest you read up on Wanderfly’s blog for select destination picks as our “Featured Inspiration” series: http://blog.wanderfly.com/category/featured-inspiration/
Let us know what you think!
Thanks as always for doing this! Here is mine for the week:
Social media and the travel community – an interview with Zip Set Go’s April Mescher Part I
I really like the mix of posts this week!
I’m going to give you something a bit silly this time around. I recently went to a tractor square dance in the Ohio town I now live in. It was strange and yet awesome at the same time. (And yes, there’s video!)
Check out historic Dapitan City in the Philippines 🙂
I have read 4 of the 5 ones you chose from last week, and they were a lot of fun– I love how your choices are always different from each other.
As my time in Brazil comes to an end (for this year anyway), I wrote this post about interesting things that I have noticed in Brazil because Brazil really is a fascinating place!
Hi Suzy,
I’ve been intending on submitting something since you started this and…I don’t know, the road happens.
As you know our blog is filled with posts about our journey, but I’ll submit our new post which is a bit different from our usual, Efforts to lift the US travel ban to Cuba
Thanks, Eric
I wouldn’t normally submit merely a photograph for your stumbling segment — but this was my favorite photo, out of about 10,000 or so, that I took on my entire 16 month RTW trip.
Oh another mixed bag. Thanks for the weekly roundup, Suzy. I especially love the photo of your desktop. Fun touch 🙂
Here’s my submission for the week:
Have a great time in Portugal!
Hey Suzy! Check out my latest Post + Video titled: Prague: The Jewel of Eastern Europe! 😉 Enjoy!
Great postings. This is a nice idea. I just found our blog about a week ago and like it a lot. Here’s a post we just did on Bavaria. What a beautiful place!
Hello there,
Have something for your weekly round-up: an account of my arrival in China together with a situation that I probably would have predicted had I not been jet-lagged: http://wp.me/ppqxP-zM