As I soak up my last few days in Europe before heading home to Colorado, I bring you this week’s Suzy Stumbles Over Travel. In case you are new here, each week I ask readers and writers to submit their favorite travel posts of the week. I read, comment, stumble (using Stumbleupon) and tweet every submission. The following Monday I profile my five favorites submitted last week.
Just a few things to keep in mind, please only submit one link per person. You have until the end of the day on Saturday (US Mountain Time) to submit your post. Leave a link to the post in the comment box below.
The 5 Favorites Of Last Week
“When Travel Takes A Friend” From Brave New Traveler
Submitted by Caz
Caz of yTravel Blog shares a story I’m not sure many would. Her piece deals with travel and death and the realities one must face when the two collide. I appreciated her honesty on the topic. Sometimes we need to be reminded travel is not free of the stresses of home, especially when it comes to losing friends on the road.
“7 Ways To Meet Other Travelers On The Road” From Jasmine Wanders
Submitted by Jasmine
Jasmine dives into solo travel willingly, but she knows how to socialize. Introvert or extrovert, if you are planning on traveling alone, this a good post to read. No one has to be lonely when they travel if they just know how to increase those chances of meeting other travelers on the road.
“How Not To Travel in Egypt” From World Curious Traveler
Submitted by Mary
Mary takes a somewhat humorous look at traveling through Egypt or rather how not to travel as she did. A place deemed “intense” by Mary and those I know who have visited warrants some experienced advice before visiting. If you are headed to Egypt or just a first time traveler, Mary’s experiences showcase travel in its most heightened sense where things go wrong and circumstances are not always in your favor.
“On Language Burnout After A Few Too Many Countries” From A Totally Impractical Guide To Living in Shanghai
Submitted by Mary Anne
Mary Anne looks at travel and learning languages in the process. She expresses her fatigue in learning yet another language after picking up several. I enjoyed Mary’s take on the matter. Some may judge a traveler for not knowing the language of the country they are in, but burnout is bound to occur when two many different ways of saying “hello” are swirling about the mind.
“Weekly Glimpse: Yangshuo’s Puyi Town” From On Ur Way
Submitted by Sasha
Sasha takes us beautifully and spookily through Puyi Town on Yangshuo’s Li River. Her photos capture a sleepy and seemingly ghostly town. I found the images behind this post to be powerful and unique, enough to make me feel that isolation of an isolated town in the Far East.
Cool thanks for picking my post Suzy! 😀
Another great collection, as per the usual. Here’s my submission for this week’s segment. It’s a trekking guide for those of us who may not be in tip top physical shape.
I call it the Trekking Guide for Those who Like to Eat and Drink a lot.
Thanks Suzy for picking my post this week. I’ve really enjoyed reading the other posts as well. Great selection
Thanks for including my post this week, Suzy! And also thanks for including Caz’s- I read it when it came out on Matador and was really moved. It totally hit home.
Awesome collection! Love what people are posting these days.
My entry for this week: A Simple Man Is Not Always What He Seems…
Here is what I DON’T like about Travel. Would love to have other comments/thoughts/ideas posted as replies. Thanks!!
Hi Suzy,
A very good round of posts this week.
Here is our submission for the week: Adventure Travel in Jordan.
I hope the posts continue even when you get back to Colorado!
I wonder if you would be interested in this guest post on the Amateur Traveler:
Hi Suzy,
Thanks for recommending my article and all the other great ones! Interesting reads! Cheers!
Great round up for last week. I enjoyed Caz’s article and “how not to travel to Egypt”
Here is our submission for this week: From Backpackers to Bollywood Actors – An Interesting Day in Mumbai
Love your list Suzy… really good reads. Caz submission has a really powerful story.
Here is my submission. It’s a list of “15 Things You Don’t Need To Pack”
Hey Suzy,
a US themed post about travelling the world and including america:
ps – enjoy Colorado 😉
Here’s an article for your consideration:
Hey Suzy,
Great selection of posts!
Would love it if you could check out our post on the Forbidden City, yes thats right we are finally on the road.
Lots of pretty pictures…
Excellent idea. I love when another blogger “curates” posts so I can check out the best of the best!
Here’s our story on trying to get back over the Wall to Jerusalem. Involves 100 degree heat and fifteen of us on burlap sacks of coffee in the back of a panel van…
Awesome collection, as usual!
Here’s my submission for the week, all about being turned into a rugby fan while living in New Zealand.
Mary Anne’s story about language-learning burnout really struck a chord with me this week, and I probably would have missed it without this feature. So thanks!
My submission for the week concerns cross-cultural passport-photo-taking:
I really liked the language burnout article. I missed the “7 ways to meet travelers” when you tweeted it, so good to read it now.
I’ll add mine for the week. Four things to check if stress is getting to you on the road (or anytime)
Hi Suzy, Summer went too fast, huh? I hope you had a good trip back home. Here’s my contribution to your segment this week. I hope you like