In case you missed my introductory post last week about my “Suzy Stumbles Over Travel” segment, I am starting a weekly travel section aimed at promoting others in the travel writing/blogging industry. Each week, I ask travel writers and readers to submit their favorite posts from the week in the comments of my “Suzy Stumbles Over Travel” posts. To read the whole story and how I started this, check out the first post “Suzy Stumbles Over Travel: April 5, 2010”.
Last week, I received 15 entries. I read every submission, while also commenting, stumbling, and tweeting the entries on twitter. I really appreciate everyone taking the time to enter. My hope is that this segment is a win-win for everyone, bringing in extra traffic through my efforts. At any rate, I had to pick 5 favorites that will receive a little bit more promotion from yours truly for their great entries. Please don’t be offended if I didn’t pick yours. There wasn’t a bad submission in the bunch, but these 5 got my attention.
Give these favorites a look. Thank you again to everyone that submitted last week. Also, don’t forget to leave a comment with your entry for this week. It will be stumbled, commented, and tweeted by me and hopefully up those web stats. Please keep it to one link per person. Also, leave your entry in the comment box below rather than sending it to me on twitter. The deadline to submit your travel posts, videos, and websites is Saturday. I will select another 5 favorites and feature them next Monday.
The 5 Favorites From Last Week
Travel Video: “Franz Josef New Zealand Travel Video” from BackpackingMatt
Submitted by Matt
This is the first travel video on Backpackingmatt’s site. He transported me to Franz Josef, New Zealand and the different ways of seeing the glacier in town. I enjoyed the travel show aspect to Matt’s video. He was informative, took the viewer up in the helicopter with him to see beautiful views of the glacier, and closes out the video with a beer. All travel videos should end with a beer.
Travel Website:
Submitted by Stacey
I could be completely out of the travel loop, but I had never heard of The site is somewhat like a Facebook for travel. Tripping allows you to create a profile and connect with locals at your upcoming destination. Tripping also invites you to meet other travelers going through the same place as you are. I am all about not being lonely when you travel and this is a great resource if you want to meet locals to show you around or interact with other travelers staying in the same place. Oh, and it’s completely free to sign up. Goodbye travel loneliness and not knowing the local hole-in-the-walls.
Informative Travel Post: “How We Saved Enough Money to Travel the World!” from Pause The Moment
Submitted by Ryan
While I love travel narratives, sometimes you just need a post that lays out all of the information you could possibly need. This post is one of them. Pause The Moment gives readers great resources and ideas of how to save money so they can travel. Some of the ideas were simpler, like cutting back $2 a day in spending to save $60 a month. Others were more extensive, introducing travelers to coupon websites they can use on restaurants, stores, etc. Overall, this post is a great resource if you are looking to save money for anything, but if it helps you save money to go travel, that just might be the sweetest money ever saved.
Travel Narrative Post: “Flight” from It’s a small world after all family
Submitted by Victoria
There isn’t a single picture in this post but you would never even notice as the words fill pictures in the mind of Delhi, India. I have never been to India, but I certainly felt as though I was there through this post, what a great travel article should do. The language and word placement is remarkable. The message is even better. The author examines a hot, sweaty day in town, and an experience that squashes the complaints the author has about Delhi. I love those moments when travel changes on you. A place you were just complaining about lends you this moment of peace.
All Around Travel Post: “Let Me Out of Here! –Six Tips for Coping When You’re Stuck Somewhere You Don’t Like” from Solo Female Traveler
Submitted by Sabina
As much as we would like to think travel is the greatest of things, sometimes you find yourself on the worst trip imaginable. Sabina examines just that sensation, when a destination leaves you stuck, not knowing what to do or how to survive. She gives the reader six tips towards turning that trip around. I could really relate to this piece, as I found myself living in a hallway after agreeing to be an au pair last summer. While that is another story, this post reminds me of that time and the things I turned to for comfort. This post presents me with the idea that a bad trip can always be turned around, unlike some other predicaments in life.
Don’t forget to comment with your favorite travel post of this week for my stumbling and to be considered for my 5 favorites from the week.
Hey Suzy – thanks for picking my entry! I’m glad you can relate, but it’s too bad your experience was so painful – and bizarre. Here’s to no more sleeping in hallways!
Hi Suzy
Great idea!
Here’s my submission for this week.
Suzy, this is a great program! I will check out your best 5 pick after this. Last week and 2 weeks ago I had 3 articles from my blog that I like that I would love to nominate here, but unfortunately you are taking only articles from this week, right? This week is still young, I plan to write this week, I might come back later to nominate that 🙂
@Dina Feel free to submit a post of yours from last week. Some of the favorites of last week were older posts. Can’t wait to read what you enter!
I’m honored to be part of the Top 5 Favorites. Thanks a bunch! Keep your eyes peeled for more informative information on saving money pre-trip, while you’re traveling, along with packing tips and more! Thanks Suzy, you ROCK!
Thank you so much for including my post Suzy and for giving it such a glowing write up. Right, off now to look at glaciers…
OK, so I’ve enjoyed being included so much this week, that I’m going for a second week…
Great list Suzy. Thanks again for all of your efforts – and of course, for including me!
Love what your doing Suzy, I’m all for helping to promote fellow bloggers. I’ll throw in a post of mine for this week.
Great idea Suzy, adding my post to the list –
what a great idea Suzy 🙂 always great to find out about new travel bloggers!
here is one of ours for this week:
This is a great idea, thank you!
I’ll toss in one of mine:
OK 🙂 Here’s mine ….
Free Road Trip + Free Entrance to ALL US National Parks = Adventure Travel Awesomeness –
This project of yours is much appreciated. I’m going to throw in a humor piece about the fees the airlines are now charging.
Keep up the good work!
Hey Suzy – while I’m working on my site, here’s an old post of mine for your list.
Gaming 4 love in South Korea;
I’m just really starting to get my website up and going, but I thought this post would be of interest. Hubby and I are currently writing about our previous travels.
A humor piece:
Thanks Suzy!
Hey Suzy, great idea – sharing the travel love and all that!
I’ll throw one of mine into the mix too – a fairly personal piece musing on what lies behind my insatiable travel bug for the last 12 years. Hope you like it. 🙂
This is a post about a magic day out recently in Ireland
Hi Suzy! Here’s my favorite from this week – a perfect day in New York City
Hi, I’m only just starting to write on my travel blog a little more frequently so here’s my first post I’d like to submit just because it was such an amazing day!
Hi Suzy, thanks to the previous response! Here I throw mine, not very new but my favourite of mine:
(continuing above)
It’s about black water rafting in New Zealand (aka. cave tubing). Super fun to do!
You might be interested in a post I put up at my site that was really popular. It seems a lot of people find themselves growing and changing as a result of travel.
The post is here:
Thanks for doing this! As a newbie it’s nice to see the travel luv being shared. Appreciate you reading my piece!
My submission for the week 🙂
Suzy, glad I came across your project. This is our favorite video we have released so far:
Climbing Active Volcano Pacaya – Episode 6
I’ve got one for ya – and it’s about hiking volcanoes!
Thank you everyone for submitting this week! I will have a post of my 5 favorites tomorrow so stay tuned.